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Elon Musk Doubles Down on Mars Dreams and Details What’s Next for SpaceX’s Starship

Elon Musk has long been open about his dreams of using SpaceX to spread humanity’s presence further into the solar system. And last weekend,...

This Company Is Growing Mini Livers Inside People to Fight Liver Disease

Growing a substitute liver inside a human body sounds like science fiction. Yet a patient with severe liver damage just received an injection that could...

Harvard’s New Programmable Liquid Shifts Its Properties on Demand

We're surrounded by ingenious substances: a menu of metal alloys that can wrap up leftovers or skin rockets, paints in any color imaginable, and...

3 Body Problem: Is the Universe Really a ‘Dark Forest’ Full of Hostile Aliens in Hiding?

We have no good reason to believe that aliens have ever contacted Earth. Sure, there are conspiracy theories, and some rather strange reports about...

Your Brain Breaks Its Own DNA to Form Memories That Can Last a Lifetime

Some memories last a lifetime. The awe of seeing a full solar eclipse. The first smile you shared with your partner. The glimpse of...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through April 6)

COMPUTING To Build a Better AI Supercomputer, Let There Be Light Will Knight | Wired "Lightmatter wants to directly connect hundreds of thousands or even millions of...

Life’s Origins: How Fissures in Hot Rocks May Have Kickstarted Biochemistry

How did the building blocks of life originate? The question has long vexed scientists. Early Earth was dotted with pools of water rich in chemicals—a...

Quantum Computers Take a Major Step With Error Correction Breakthrough

For quantum computers to go from research curiosities to practically useful devices, researchers need to get their errors under control. New research from Microsoft...
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Environmental DNA Is Everywhere. Scientists Are Gathering It All.

In the late 1980s, at a federal research facility in Pensacola, Florida, Tamar Barkay used mud in a way that proved revolutionary in a...

This Robot Predicts When You’ll Smile—Then Grins Back Right on Cue

Comedy clubs are my favorite weekend outings. Rally some friends, grab a few drinks, and when a joke lands for us all—there’s a magical...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through March 30)

COMPUTING The Best Qubits for Quantum Computing Might Just Be Atoms Philip Ball | Quanta "In the search for the most scalable hardware to use for quantum...

A New Treatment Rejuvenates Aging Immune Systems in Elderly Mice

Our immune system is like a well-trained brigade. Each unit has a unique specialty. Some cells directly kill invading foes; others release protein “markers” to...

These Plants Could Mine Valuable Metals From the Soil With Their Roots

The renewable energy transition will require a huge amount of materials, and there are fears we may soon face shortages of some critical metals....

Now We Can See the Magnetic Maelstrom Around Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole

Black holes are known for ferocious gravitational fields. Anything wandering too close, even light, will be swallowed up. But other forces may be at...

Human Artificial Chromosomes Could Ferry Tons More DNA Cargo Into Cells

The human genetic blueprint is deceptively simple. Our genes are tightly wound into 46 X-shaped structures called chromosomes. Crafted by evolution, they carry DNA...

‘Dark Stars’: Dark Matter May Form Exploding Stars—Finding Them Could Help Reveal What It’s Made Of

Dark matter is a ghostly substance that astronomers have failed to detect for decades, yet which we know has an enormous influence on normal...


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