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How to Pitch SingularityHub

SingularityHub chronicles the technological frontier with coverage of the breakthroughs, players, and issues shaping the future.

Hub focuses on fast-moving technologies in fields like artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology, and computing. We look for stories that put the latest, most impactful news in perspective: What happened? Why does it matter? What's next?

News articles should be factual and authoritative, giving the reader enough background to situate the development in the bigger picture and understand why it matters. Analytical or opinion pieces should move timely, relevant, and widely followed conversations forward or take them in new directions. Surprise us, delight us—but be rigorous in your argument and cite trusted sources.

Most articles on SingularityHub are 800 to 1,200 words in length, but we also accept longer articles on topics that merit deeper exploration. We reach a general audience and writers should aim for a conversational, engaging, and readable style. Avoid jargon, explain technical terms and concepts in plain language, and don’t forget to carefully proofread your work.

The editorial team reviews submissions from freelance journalists, domain experts, business leaders, and entrepreneurs. We do not review content marketing pitches or other types of promotional content. Also, please disclose business and financial relationships up front. We're a small team and can't reply to all submissions. We'll let you know if your article or pitch is a fit.

Make sure to read our Submissions Agreement here and submit your pitch or draft using this form.

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