Personalized Medicine Conference Comes To Silicon Valley – See Us There!
Personalized Medicine World Conference (PMWC) will be held in Silicon Valley. The event boasts an impressive lineup of speakers, including Complete Genomics CEO Cliff Reid, Silicon Valley heavyweight Esther Dyson, and Navigenics Chief Medical Officer Vance Vanier. Personalized Medicine is a big theme for us here at the Hub and the event looks to be the perfect mousetrap for us to pick up some juicy stories for our readers. Singularity Hub will be attending the event in style sporting our finest duds and even hosting our own booth. Why not buy a ticket (or get your company to buy you one) and join us for the fun?
Although the impressive list of speakers will be reason enough to attend, the PMWC will be kicking things up a notch by offering an exciting exhibition where 20 promising companies will compete to win the PMWC 2010 Most Promising Early Stage Company award. Several of these relatively unknown companies will be presenting some pretty awesome innovations in the field of personalized medicine and we can't wait to see them and write about them. The PMWC is still accepting entrants for the competition, so be sure to let them know if your company or one that you know of is the next hot thing that we all have been waiting for.
The conference is being organized and produced by Silicom Ventures, an angel and venture capital investment fund, and is being co-hosted with the Stanford University Medical Center. The event will be held at the Computer History Museum just up the street from Singularity Hub Headquarters in beautiful Mountain View, CA.
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With the ongoing revolution in genetics, miniaturization of communication components, and ample computing power to analyze data, we are in the midst of a rapid change in how medicine is administered. As we highlighted in our body 2.0 story, doctors will soon be able to monitor hundreds of your vital body parameters 24/7. Data accumulated over years of monitoring will allow for an unprecedented understanding of the correlations between these parameters and overall health. It is an exciting time in personal medicine, and we can't wait to see what they have on tap at the PMWC. Hope to see you there, and we'll keep you posted on what we see!
Singularity Hub chronicles technological progress by highlighting the breakthroughs and issues shaping the future as well as supporting a global community of smart, passionate, action-oriented people who want to change the world.
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