If You’re Not Advertising Online, How Screwed Are You? Great Infographic On Growth of Digital Ads
A dozen years ago the world didn't even have social media. Now it's a major portion of many marketing budgets...and it's only one of many ways in which digital ads are changing how companies communicate with their customers. In nearly every field, the many forms of online advertising are grabbing larger portions of the overall market. Digital platforms have seen double digit increases for years and are now responsible for the majority of growth in advertising. What does all this tell us? Well, as ROI Media puts it: digital ads aren't a fad. Their great infographic (seen below) shares some of the highlights in the advertising industry, and paints a gloomy picture for traditional media. Everyone “knows” the internet is claiming a growing chunk of marketing money, but seeing the real figures behind the trends is pretty awing. Let's just hope that as online activity begins to dominate advertising, the inherent freedoms of the internet come into play as well. Will the democratic nature of viral videos, social media likes, and sharing links survive the influx of cold calculating cash? It's anybody's guess, but it looks like we'll all find out the answer very soon.
Infographic by the social media marketing team @ROI_Media
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*Thanks to Francois Botha at ROI Media for bringing this infographic to our attention.
Image credit: roi media
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