Watch Episode 1 of Ask an Expert, the New Web Series from Singularity University


Last week, we told you about a new web series called Ask an Expert. Well, Episode 1 is finally here and it’s all about ENERGY!

In its debut, questions about energy that were tweeted to @singularityu with the #AskSU hashtag are answered by Gregg Maryniak, the Energy and Environmental Systems Chair at Singularity University. Questions include:

  • What’s preventing widespread adoption of renewable energy?
  • What can I do locally to support renewable energy use?
  • Do toilet turbines actually work?

Be sure to tune in to next week’s episode about autonomous vehicles! And remember, to submit your questions on Twitter!

Subscribe to SU’s YouTube channel to stay up-to-date on the latest in the series to get the same insights and perspectives shared at SU’s Graduate Studies Program and Executive Programs.

[image courtesy of Shutterstock]