​​Ray Kurzweil: Our Health Is About to Be Radically Transformed


Ray Kurzweil is an inventor, thinker, and futurist famous for forecasting the pace of technology and predicting the world of tomorrow. In this video, Kurzweil dives into the exciting and quick-moving field of biotechnology.

Ever since recording the first whole human genome, the cost of sequencing has plummeted. Now that we have the “source code” of life, what will we do with it? According to Kurzweil, biology is remarkable but not optimal—so we should reprogram it. This will transform health, medicine, and longevity.

“[What’s happening in biotech] is an exponential process. So, exponentials start slowly then they explode,” Kurzweil says. “We’re in that explosive phase now in biotech. There’s a trickle of clinical applications, this will become a flood in the next decade.”