How Large Organizations Can Embrace Innovation in Digital Health

In an interview at Singularity University’s Exponential Medicine in San Diego, Eugene Borukhovich described how big companies like his can better embrace digital health technologies.

Borukhovich is the global head for digital health incubation and innovation at Bayer, where his team focuses on improving patient health by implementing digital health practices. Part of this this effort is Bayer’s G4A (Grants for Apps) incubator, which encourages innovation within digital health. The projects in the G4A incubator include efforts to improve clinic trails, pain management, medication adherence, disease testing, and more.

Creating a culture of innovation within a large organization can be challenging, but Borukhovich said, “Bayer has been around for 154 years, and we’ve been innovating as a chemical company and a life science company. Someone said earlier today, ‘Do things better, or do better things,’ and I think it’s actually not a choice, you have to do both. With my team we’re trying to help the core business do just this.”

Watch the full interview to learn how Bayer is innovating within digital health by becoming more agile and open-minded as an organization.

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