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This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through July 20)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The Data That Powers AI Is Disappearing Fast Kevin Roose | The New York Times "Over the past year, many of the most important web...

OpenAI’s Project Strawberry Said to Be Building AI That Reasons and Does ‘Deep Research’

Despite their uncanny language skills, today’s leading AI chatbots still struggle with reasoning. A secretive new project from OpenAI could reportedly be on the...

Your Brain on Mushrooms: Study Reveals What Psilocybin Does to the Brain—and for How Long

Magic mushrooms have recently had a reputation revamp. Often considered a hippie drug, their main active component, psilocybin, is being tested in a variety...

Could We Turn Mars Into Another Earth? Here’s What It Would Take to Terraform the Red Planet

Is it possible that one day we could make Mars like Earth? –Tyla, age 16, Mississippi When I was in middle school, my biology teacher...

This Translucent Skull Implant for Mice Could Help Scientists Unravel the Brain’s Mysteries

With half their skulls replaced by translucent 3D-printed implants, the mice looked straight out of a science fiction movie. Yet they nosed around, ferociously...

Joby’s New Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft Can Fly You From San Francisco to San Diego

A new generation of "flying cars" promises to revolutionize urban mobility, but limited battery power holds them back from plying longer routes. A new...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through July 13)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OpenAI Reportedly Nears Breakthrough With 'Reasoning' AI, Reveals Progress Framework Benj Edwards | Ars Technica " a Level 2 AI system would reportedly be capable...

Beyond CRISPR: Scientists Say New Gene Editing Tool Is Like a ‘Word Processor’ for DNA

CRISPR was one of the most influential breakthroughs of the last decade, but it's still imperfect. While the gene editing tool is already helping...
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First Woolly Mammoth Genome Reconstructed in 3D Could Help Bring the Species Back to Life

Roughly 52,000 years ago, a woolly mammoth died in the Siberian tundra. As her body flash froze in the biting cold, something remarkable happened:...

This Enormous Computer Chip Beat the World’s Top Supercomputer at Molecular Modeling

Computer chips are a hot commodity. Nvidia is now one of the most valuable companies in the world, and the Taiwanese manufacturer of Nvidia's...

Gene Drives Shown to Work in Wild Plants. They Could Wipe Out Weeds.

Henry Grabar has had enough battling knotweed. All he wanted was to build a small garden in Brooklyn—a bit of peace amid the cacophony...

How ‘Dune’ Became a Beacon for the Fledgling Environmental Movement—and a Rallying Cry for the New Science of Ecology

Dune, widely considered one of the best sci-fi novels of all time, continues to influence how writers, artists, and inventors envision the future. Of course,...

DARPA Is Engineering Light-Activated Drugs to Keep Pilots Alert

We’ve all been there: A tight deadline, an overnighter, and the next day we’re navigating life like zombies. For fighter pilots, the last step isn’t...

Google DeepMind’s AI Rat Brains Could Make Robots Scurry Like the Real Thing

Rats are incredibly nimble creatures. They can climb up curtains, jump down tall ledges, and scurry across complex terrain—say, your basement stacked with odd-shaped...

Electric Air Taxis Are on the Way: Quiet eVTOLs May Be Flying Passengers as Early as 2025

Imagine a future with nearly silent air taxis flying above traffic jams and navigating between skyscrapers and suburban droneports. Transportation arrives at the touch...

Gene-Edited Animal Organ Transplants Could Help End the Organ Donor Crisis

Thousands of people a year die while waiting for an organ transplant. Early experiments in xenotransplantation are raising hopes this could soon be a...


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