Louis-Etienne Dubois
Louis-Etienne Dubois is assistant professor of creative industries management at Ryerson University's School of Creative Industries in Toronto since 2016 as well as associate researcher at MINES ParisTech's Centre de Gestion Scientifique in Paris. He holds a PhD from HEC Montréal and from MINES ParisTech. Louis-Etienne's research activities aim at developing a better understanding of collaborative and innovation processes in both traditional and creative organizations. Some of his recent work has been published in the European Management Journal, Tourism Review, Gestion and in the Revue Internationale de Gestion.
Louis-Etienne teaches at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive education levels on topics such as management, human resources, and organizational development. He also regularly conducts consulting interventions for organizations in the banking, aerospace, or advertising sectors both in Quebec and in Ontario.