Extreme Life Extension This Tuesday On Oprah

Who knew that Oprah was a Sigularitarian 🙂  Huge thanks to our reader FrankGW for informing us that Oprah will be hosting a show this Tuesday, March 24, 2009 titled “Extreme Life Extension”.  Here is the official blurb for the show:

Is it possible to live to be 120 or even 150? The future of extreme life extension is here! Dr. Oz shows us new and innovative ways to live longer! We’re talking to followers of a radical diet who believe it will help them live well into their second century of life with vitality! Then, find out how you can burn up to 700 calories without any exercise. Plus, we’ll reveal a new high-tech treatment that celebrities swear by! This is not science fiction—this is real!

One of the key segments of the show will focus on David Murdock’s 5.8 million square feet, $1.5 Billion North Carolina Research Campus.  Some choice quotes:

“The show is about extreme life extension, including all the latest technologies and new ways that people are extending their lives,” spokesperson Don Halcombe said. “Often people thought that one couldn’t extend one’s life to 120 or 150, but new advances are showing that may indeed be the case.”

Murdock has said he will live to be 125 years old…Murdock became convinced that nutrition and exercise can fend off disease after his wife died of cancer in 1985. He has said that her death was his fundamental motivation for founding the research campus.

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