Amateur Robot Gymnast Performs Amazing Somersault (Video)
If there's one thing Kerri Strug taught us, you have to stick the landing. Well, robots still have a ways to go before they conquer the Olympics, but an amateur video of a robotic gymnast has me in stitches. Hinamitetu (user name) has been experimenting with various ways to get a homemade robot to perform athletic feats on a high bar. The Horizontal Bar Gymnast Robot No. 6 is assembled from two twin motors, an angle detector, too much surgical tape, and a whole lot of love. The latest video actually shows the little robot performing an eye-popping release and somersault...and then losing the perfect "10" by missing the dismount. Check out the hilarious robotic antics after the break.
I'm not sure that Hinamitetu's attempts at robotic and gymnastic perfection will lead us any closer to the Singularity. Although, he does show some amazing perseverance, and humor, in the many videos he's shared on his YouTube channel. No, I'm posting this video because it makes me laugh, and because it's just another example of how robotics are integrating themselves into our culture. I can't imagine anyone wouldn't find this video impressive and at least a little humorous. Who knows, maybe we can all petition for the HBGR No. 6 to be the official 2012 Olympic Mascot. Stranger things have happened. See you in London, Hinamitetu!
You can skip to 0:30 to see the action begin.
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Screen capture and video credit: hinamitetu on youtube
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