
RoboGames 2009 Summary, Highlights, Pictures and Video

Jun 16, 2009


The RoboGames were an astounding success.  Legions of robo-lovers flocked to the games in San Francisco to watch the carnage unfold and, though we didn’t go, but BotJunkie was able to make the trek and put together some stunning video coverage.  While the official results aren’t yet posted, the following videos and pictures are sure to give an idea of which robots reigned supreme this year.

The first day of the RoboGames started off strong with combat, the robotic destruction that spawned the now-returning-to-television show BattleBots.  It seems that this event is by far the biggest crowd pleaser, and there certainly was a lot of mayhem that ensued.  Take a look at the video below for Day 1 coverage.

Day 1 Highlights

Day 2 of the RoboGames was the beginning of the other 70 events featured in the Games.  Expect to see a lot more combat as well as a few other games.  Mech Warfare is a brand new category launched for this year and can be seen in the Day 2 highlights.  Robot Sumo makes an appearance as well as Robo Hockey, which is perfect for the hockey fan that doesn’t like fist fights, blood and ice.  Check out the video.

Day 2 Highlights

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Day 3 comes on strong with the combat finalists fighting it out for the gold medal.  The amount of destruction almost pulls at the heartstrings, making one pity the poor sap that has to fit all those pieces back together.  At least it’s a little bit more humane than the days of Gladiators in the Coliseum.  Image the unlucky janitor that had to clean up after those battles.  Well, it surely is a better job than being a part of the carnage.  Regardless, day 3 gives us plenty of combat as well as robotic firefighters that search rooms and find a candle that must be blown out, robotic trapeze (‘nuff said) and mechanized Kung Fu.  Click play and be amazed.

Day 3 Highlights

The fun and games are now over, but the lasting memory should satiate all fans of robotics, destructive or constructive, until next year.  If you’re from the Bay Area and didn’t make it over, shame on you, but make sure to mark the dates for 2010 when they are released.  If you’re not a Bay Area resident, book the plane tickets now.  RoboGames always promises to be a hoot.  Go check out BotJunkie for continuing coverage of the games.

Andrew is a recent graduate of Northeastern University in Boston, MA with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. While at Northeastern, he worked on a Department of Defense project intended to create a product that adsorbs and destroys toxic nerve agents and also worked as part of a consulting firm in the fields of battery technology, corrosion analysis, vehicle rollover analysis, and thermal phenomena. Andrew is currently enrolled in a Juris Doctorate program at Boston College School of Law.

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