Singularity University is dismayed by the Trump administration’s choice to withdraw from the Paris Accord. Climate change is one of the greatest risks to humankind, and the decisions we make over the next few decades will impact life on earth for thousands of years.
At SU we’re proud to support the responsible development of exponential technologies, such as AI, robotics, nanotechnology, and digital biology, that may provide solutions to climate change. These exponential technologies should be nurtured in enabling policy environments, but independent of the decisions made by politicians, SU will move forward with our plans to address climate change.
- The 2017 Global Solutions Program this summer will focus on challenges facing our climate and environment.
- We’ve had 23 Global Impact Challenges aimed at climate change this year already.
- We have flourishing companies in our startup ecosystem, such as Getaround, addressing congestion; Semtive, improving the way we generate energy; Modern Meadow, biofabricating leather; Impact Vision, addressing supply chain inefficiencies and food waste; BlueOak, collecting and converting the e-waste into a sustainable source of metals; and so many others.
- Energy is a key topic discussed at all of our events, including our recent Exponential Manufacturing Summit in Boston a few weeks ago and Exponential Finance Summit this week in New York.
We’re proud to see an increase in breakthroughs that greatly improve our stewardship of the planet and global abundance such as in vitro meat production, carbon capture techniques, genetic engineering of climate resilient crops, advances in atmospheric water extraction, and countless others.
While this is a disappointing decision, there are more powerful forces at work. The global response to the federal government’s decision has renewed our faith in the common goodness of humankind. Innovation will continue. We will move forward.
We at SU provide access to a deep and broad innovation ecosystem that includes forward thinking corporations (e.g., Deloitte, Google, Lowes), development organizations (e.g., Stockholm Resilience Center, Unicef, World Wide Fund for Nature), and governments around the world. We will continue to work across industries and disciplines to bring abundance to all.
We welcome you to join our bold march into the future.
Image Credit: Pond5