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A New Brain Mapping Study Reveals Depression’s Signature in the Brain

Depression doesn’t mean you’re always feeling low. Sure, most times it’s hard to crawl out of bed or get motivated. Once in a while,...

Some Brains Develop Alzheimer’s—Others Don’t. A New Cell Map Could Explain Why.

Alzheimer’s disease slowly takes over the mind. Long before symptoms occur, brain cells are gradually losing their function. Eventually they wither away, eroding brain...

AI Models Scaled Up 10,000x Are Possible by 2030, Report Says

Recent progress in AI largely boils down to one thing: Scale. Around the beginning of this decade, AI labs noticed that making their algorithms—or models—ever...

What Is ‘Model Collapse’? An Expert Explains the Rumors About an Impending AI Doom

Artificial intelligence prophets and newsmongers are forecasting the end of the generative AI hype, with talk of an impending catastrophic “model collapse.” But how realistic...

This AI Learns Continuously From New Experiences—Without Forgetting Its Past

Our brains are constantly learning. That new sandwich deli rocks. That gas station? Better avoid it in the future. Memories like these physically rewire connections...

Newly Discovered Brain Wave Helps Lock in Memories While We Sleep

Sleep works magic on memory. You might’ve felt these frustrations before: Trying to learn a guitar riff, shoot a free-throw, or nail a difficult phrase...

These Scientists Are Battling Dangerous Superbugs With a ChatGPT-Like AI

Bacteria and antibiotics have been in a roughly century-long game of cat and mouse. Unfortunately, bacteria are gaining the upper hand. According to the World...

A New Study Says AI Models Encode Language Like the Human Brain Does

Language enables people to transmit thoughts to each other because each person’s brain responds similarly to the meaning of words. In newly published research,...

Bitcoin Miners Flush With Chips Are Pivoting to AI in Search of New Riches

As the bitcoin gold rush dries up, crypto miners are finding it hard to make ends meet. But for many there's a silver lining—the...

Meta Just Launched the Largest ‘Open’ AI Model in History. Here’s Why It Matters.

In the world of artificial intelligence, a battle is underway. On one side are companies that believe in keeping the datasets and algorithms behind...

This Ultra-Thin Lightsail Could Tow Tiny Spacecraft to the Nearest Stars

Traveling the vast distances between solar systems is well beyond existing technology. But a new ultra-thin lightsail designed with AI could make it possible...

How a Mind-Controlling Parasite Could Deliver Medicine to the Brain

The brain is like a medieval castle perched on a cliff, protected on all sides by high walls, making it nearly impenetrable. Its shield is...

This Is What Could Happen if AI Content Is Allowed to Take Over the Internet

Generative AI is a data hog. The algorithms behind chatbots like ChatGPT learn to create human-like content by scraping terabytes of online articles, Reddit posts,...

AI-Powered Weather and Climate Models Are Set to Change Forecasting

A new system for forecasting weather and predicting future climate uses artificial intelligence to achieve results comparable with the best existing models while using...

OpenAI’s Project Strawberry Said to Be Building AI That Reasons and Does ‘Deep Research’

Despite their uncanny language skills, today’s leading AI chatbots still struggle with reasoning. A secretive new project from OpenAI could reportedly be on the...

Your Brain on Mushrooms: Study Reveals What Psilocybin Does to the Brain—and for How Long

Magic mushrooms have recently had a reputation revamp. Often considered a hippie drug, their main active component, psilocybin, is being tested in a variety...

This Translucent Skull Implant for Mice Could Help Scientists Unravel the Brain’s Mysteries

With half their skulls replaced by translucent 3D-printed implants, the mice looked straight out of a science fiction movie. Yet they nosed around, ferociously...

Joby’s New Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft Can Fly You From San Francisco to San Diego

A new generation of "flying cars" promises to revolutionize urban mobility, but limited battery power holds them back from plying longer routes. A new...

Google DeepMind’s AI Rat Brains Could Make Robots Scurry Like the Real Thing

Rats are incredibly nimble creatures. They can climb up curtains, jump down tall ledges, and scurry across complex terrain—say, your basement stacked with odd-shaped...

Electric Air Taxis Are on the Way: Quiet eVTOLs May Be Flying Passengers as Early as 2025

Imagine a future with nearly silent air taxis flying above traffic jams and navigating between skyscrapers and suburban droneports. Transportation arrives at the touch...

How Teams of AI Agents Working Together Could Unlock the Tech’s True Power

If you had to sum up what has made humans such a successful species, it’s teamwork. There’s growing evidence that getting AIs to work...

This MIT Device Maps the Human Brain With Unprecedented Resolution and Speed

A squishy, fatty, beige-colored organ covered with grooves and ridges, the brain doesn’t look all that impressive on the surface.  But hidden underneath are up...

mRNA Cancer Vaccines Spark Renewed Hope as Clinical Trials Gain Momentum

When Angela received her first shot at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in early 2020, Covid-19 was months away. Far from a household name,...

AI Plus Gene Editing Promises to Shift Biotech Into High Gear

During her chemistry Nobel Prize lecture in 2018, Frances Arnold said, “Today we can for all practical purposes read, write, and edit any sequence...

No, AI Doesn’t Mean Human-Made Music Is Doomed. Here’s Why.

Recently we have seen the launch of artificial intelligence programs such as SOUNDRAW and Loudly that can create musical compositions in the style of...

Researchers Say Chatbots ‘Policing’ Each Other Can Correct Some AI Hallucinations

Generative AI, the technology behind ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini, has a “hallucination” problem. When given a prompt, the algorithms sometimes confidently spit out impossible...

What 70 Years of AI on Film Can Tell Us About the Human Relationship With Artificial Intelligence

In 2024, AI is making headlines daily. We may be aware of the science, but how do we imagine AI and our relationship to...

Scientists Show AI-Generated Proteins Actually Work in Stem Cell Study

Stem cells are finicky creatures. With the ability to generate any type of cell in the body, they’re constantly bombarded by chemical, hormone, and other...

This AI-Powered Exoskeleton Could Speed Adoption by the Masses

Exoskeletons could help disabled people move freely again and one day boost the power and stamina of workers doing manual labor. A new AI-powered...

Say Hello to AI Steve, the AI Chatbot Running for Parliament in the UK

It's a year of elections, and the internet is already rife with AI-generated political content. An AI robocaller mimicking Joe Biden made the rounds...

AI Unearths Nearly a Million Potential Antibiotics to Take Out Superbugs

Humans and bacteria are in a perpetual war. For most of history, bacteria won. Before 1928, a simple scrape on the knee, a cut when...

Breaking Into AI’s Black Box: Anthropic Maps the Mind of Its Claude Large Language Model

The opaque inner workings of AI systems are a barrier to their broader deployment. Now, startup Anthropic has made a major breakthrough in our...

This Device Zaps the Spinal Cord to Give Paralyzed People Use of Their Hands Again

Melanie Reid was 52 years old when she hopped onto her horse, fell, and broke her neck. The resulting injury paralyzed her body below...

Can ChatGPT Mimic Theory of Mind? Psychology Is Probing AI’s Inner Workings

If you’ve ever vented to ChatGPT about troubles in life, the responses can sound empathetic. The chatbot delivers affirming support, and—when prompted—even gives advice...

‘Noise’ in the Machine: Human Differences in Judgment Lead to Problems for AI

Many people understand the concept of bias at some intuitive level. In society, and in artificial intelligence systems, racial and gender biases are well...

Google and Harvard Map a Tiny Piece of the Human Brain With Extreme Precision

Scientists just published the most detailed map of a cubic millimeter of the human brain. Smaller than a grain of rice, the mapped section...

Google DeepMind’s New AlphaFold AI Maps Life’s Molecular Dance in Minutes

Proteins are biological workhorses. They build our bodies and orchestrate the molecular processes in cells that keep them healthy. They also present a wealth of...

AI Can Now Generate Entire Songs on Demand. What Does This Mean for Music as We Know It?

In March, we saw the launch of a “ChatGPT for music” called Suno, which uses generative AI to produce realistic songs on demand from...

AI Is Gathering a Growing Amount of Training Data Inside Virtual Worlds

To anyone living in a city where autonomous vehicles operate, it would seem they need a lot of practice. Robotaxis travel millions of miles...

This AI Just Designed a More Precise CRISPR Gene Editor for Human Cells From Scratch

CRISPR has revolutionized science. AI is now taking the gene editor to the next level. Thanks to its ability to accurately edit the genome, CRISPR...

A Universal Vaccine Against Any Viral Variant? A New Study Suggests It’s Possible

From Covid boosters to annual flu shots, most of us are left wondering: Why so many, so often? There’s a reason to update vaccines. Viruses...

A New Photonic Computer Chip Uses Light to Slash AI Energy Costs

AI models are power hogs. As the algorithms grow and become more complex, they’re increasingly taxing current computer chips. Multiple companies have designed chips tailored...

Elon Musk Doubles Down on Mars Dreams and Details What’s Next for SpaceX’s Starship

Elon Musk has long been open about his dreams of using SpaceX to spread humanity’s presence further into the solar system. And last weekend,...

Your Brain Breaks Its Own DNA to Form Memories That Can Last a Lifetime

Some memories last a lifetime. The awe of seeing a full solar eclipse. The first smile you shared with your partner. The glimpse of...

Cell Therapy Takes Aim at Deadly Brain Tumors in Two Clinical Trials

When my uncle was diagnosed with glioblastoma, I knew he was on borrowed time. The deadliest form of brain cancer, it rapidly spreads through the...

An AI-Designed Drug Is Moving Toward Approval at an Impressive Clip

For the first time, an AI-designed drug is in the second phase of clinical trials. Recently, the team behind the drug published a paper...

Watch an AI Robot Dog Rock an Agility Course It’s Never Seen Before

Robots doing feats of acrobatics might be a great marketing trick, but typically these displays are highly choreographed and painstakingly programmed. Now researchers have...

What Is a GPU? The Chips Powering the AI Boom, and Why They’re Worth Trillions

As the world rushes to make use of the latest wave of AI technologies, one piece of high-tech hardware has become a surprisingly hot...

This AI Can Design the Machinery of Life With Atomic Precision

Proteins are social creatures. They’re also chameleons. Depending on a cell’s needs, they rapidly transform in structure and grab onto other biomolecules in an...

A Google AI Watched 30,000 Hours of Video Games—Now It Makes Its Own

AI continues to generate plenty of light and heat. The best models in text and images—now commanding subscriptions and being woven into consumer products—are...
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