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5 Billion People Need Better Healthcare — Technology Will Help Deliver It

If you’ve ever had to go into the hospital for a major medical procedure, your memory of the experience is probably pretty unpleasant. Even when all goes well, the hospital is a nerve-racking place most of us would rather not be.

But did you know that just by being treated in a functioning hospital and having access to modern care, you’re part of a dramatic global minority? The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery’s 2015 report stated that five billion people lack access to safe, affordable surgical care.

In a presentation at Singularity University’s Exponential Medicine conference this week, entrepreneur Deogratias “Deo” Niyizonkiza shared his inspiring life story with the audience, using his native Burundi as a microcosm of the healthcare challenges facing developing nations around the world.

Niyizonkiza was a medical student when Burundi’s ethnic genocide erupted in 1993. After surviving a massacre at the hospital where he was studying, he fled to New York. There he overcame obstacles like illness, homelessness, and poverty, going on to receive an Ivy League education in biochemistry and public health.

Upon returning to Burundi he was devastated by the hunger, disease, and despair he saw. He knew he had to stay and try to make a difference. He founded Village Health Works, a grassroots nonprofit that now operates Burundi’s premier health center as well as agricultural and environmental programs, educational services, women’s income-generating activities, and other community development programs. Niyizonkiza’s story is told in the New York Times bestseller Strength in What Remains.

It’s not just hospitals that are missing

Burundi is ranked 184 out of 188 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index. Current life expectancy and maternal mortality rates there are similar to US rates from 100 years ago, with one in 23 women dying in childbirth.

After the 1993 genocide, the country went through 13 years of civil war.

Establishing sources of quality healthcare in countries like Burundi is a lot more complicated than building a hospital and hiring doctors. But Niyizonkiza’s questions upon considering these challenges were:

If technology can democratize healthcare, why not start with one of the most challenging cases?

Can a hospital in Burundi serve as a platform to show the world that innovation and technology can exponentially improve the wellness of the global majority?

Niyizonkiza summarized the barriers to delivering healthcare in developing nations as the Four S’s:

Ralph Simon and Deogratias Niyizonkiza at Exponential Medicine.

How technology can democratize care

Given the scale of these challenges, linear solutions aren’t going to cut it; we need exponential solutions that will transcend the existing barriers, and they need to do so in years, not decades. Below are a few examples of recent advances in health technology that can be applied in the developing world.

These innovations and others like them are a great start, but we’ve got a long way to go before accessible, high-quality healthcare becomes a worldwide reality. Near the end of his presentation Niyizonkiza stressed the importance of continuing to invest in and develop healthcare-focused exponential technologies.

His concluding words? “Five billion human beings are waiting.”

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Image Credit: Shutterstock

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