Ian Anglin
Dr. Ian Anglin obtained his Ph.D. in molecular pathology from the University of Wales, College of Medicine in the United Kingdom. While writing his thesis entitled ‘Identification of Differential Gene Expression During Prostate Cancer Progression’ he contributed to a paper published in the International Journal of Cancer. Subsequently, Dr. Anglin pursued postdoctoral work at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore in various research departments including the Division of Urology, the Greenebaum Cancer Research Center and at the BioPark Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases. During his 10 years there, he mentored students, contributed to NIH grants, presented data at various scientific meetings, was awarded an AFUD scholarship and won a Gordon Research Conference Travel scholarship. He has published in Cancer Research, Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, British Journal of Cancer and a book chapter in ‘Molecular Targeting and Signal Transduction’ edited by Dr. Rakesh Kumar.
Dr. Anglin currently resides in Baltimore MD where he is working as a freelance scientific editor for various online companies providing substantive and copyediting services.