Monthly Archives: October, 2019

We’ll Soon Be Able to Prosper and Save the Earth at the Same Time. Here’s How

Life is pretty different today than it was 20 or even 10 years ago. Smartphones and the internet have changed the way we do...

How Can We Protect Alien Life From Us—and Us From It?

Is Earth the only known planetary body with life on it? Nope. In fact, there are 96 bags of human waste on the lunar...

The Origin of Consciousness in the Brain Is About to Be Tested

Here’s something you don’t hear every day: two theories of consciousness are about to face off in the scientific fight of the century. Backed by...

New Tech Is Helping Nuclear Power Make a Comeback

Nuclear power has a lot going for it. It’s carbon-free, can produce huge amounts of power from relatively small amounts of fuel, and once...

Towards a Scalable, Efficient Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin’s New Low-Energy Competitor

The idea behind Bitcoin—creating a decentralized currency that allows for secure peer-to-peer transactions without the use of banks—may well be a good one. But...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through October 26)

GENETICS A New CRISPR Technique Could Fix Almost All Genetic Diseases Megan Molteni | Wired "The system, which Liu’s lab has dubbed 'prime editing,' can for the...

In 2030, Our Protein Will Come From a Lab—and We’ll All Be Better Off For It

Could a hamburger grown in a lab from Kobe beef stem cells be cheaper, better tasting, and healthier for you? Can you imagine a...

We Have the Tools and Technology to Work Less and Live Better

In 1930, a year into the Great Depression, John Maynard Keynes sat down to write about the economic possibilities of his grandchildren. Despite widespread...

Can Tech Hack World Hunger? It’s Trying

The feats technology is accomplishing these days have become so impressive and fantastical that real headlines often seem like fake news. Robots can play...

CRISPR Just Created a Hornless Bull, and It’s a Step Forward for Gene-Edited Food

There’s a practice in farming not often talked about. To prevent accidental harm to human handlers and other cattle, bulls generally have their horn-producing...

With These 4 Breakthroughs, We’ll Be Able to Write Whole Genomes From Scratch

The ability to read genomes has transformed our understanding of biology. Being able to write them would give us unprecedented control over the fabric...

How 3D Printing, Vertical Farming, and Materials Science Are Overhauling Food

Food. What we eat, and how we grow it, will be fundamentally transformed in the next decade. Already, indoor farming is projected to be a...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through October 19)

AUTOMATION Alphabet's Wing Starts Drone Deliveries to US Homes Kris Holt | Engadget "Alphabet's Wing has started making deliveries by drone to homes in the US for the...

Why Principles Over Practices Are the Key to Timeless Success

Why do some leaders and teams achieve great success in complex, uncertain, and fast-changing environments, while others who are equally capable struggle? Earlier this year,...

Algorithms Are Designed to Addict Us, and the Consequences Go Beyond Wasted Time

Goethe’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is a classic example of many stories in a similar theme. The young apprentice enchants a broom to mop the...

Animals Are Out, Alt Protein Is in—and It’s Cooking Up Some Unbelievable Creations

A new food economy is taking root. It’s showing up in the dairy section of grocery stores and in the drive-thrus of Burger King....

This Strange Rule Is What Makes the Human Brain So Powerful

Run a supercomputer every second of every day, and eventually its storage will fill up, its speed decrease, and its components burn out. Yet our...

Investment in Quantum Computing Is Booming—But Will a Quantum Winter Follow?

Quantum computing is red hot right now, not least after Google's recent announcement that it had achieved quantum supremacy. An analysis by Nature shows...

This Startup Wants to Store Grid Energy by Lifting Concrete Blocks

The energy transition is underway. It’s not just crucial for climate change that we kick our fossil fuel habit—it will soon be more expensive...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through October 12)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE How to Stop Superhuman AI Before It Stops Us Stuart Russell | The New York Times "Once the focus shifts from building machines that are...

We Can’t Even Comprehend the Massive Data Haul We’ll Soon Get From Sensors

“Hey Google, how’s my health this morning?” “One moment,” says your digital assistant. It takes thirty seconds for the full diagnostic to run, as the system...

Scientists Found New Antibiotic Molecules—Right In the Human Microbiome

The human microbiome is the dark matter of biology: we know it’s there and critically balances health from disease. We can broadly examine microbe...

Tech Spread Misinformation in 70 Countries This Year. How Can We Make 2020 Better?

Following discussions about the societal influence of a technology like the internet feels much like watching a tennis match. One side serves with ‘the...

How Old Is Your Brain? This AI Can Tell You

Delaying “brain age” may sound like the latest quick-fix gimmick on a late-night infomercial, but the science underlying the concept is very real. Rather than...

Russia Could Take the Lead on Human Gene Editing

There's broad consensus that genetically modifying humans isn't a good idea, at least not anytime in the near future. But it seems Russia has...

The End of the Chinese Miracle Is in Sight. What’s Next?

Governments around the world are rushing to keep up with emerging technologies. No one wants to be left behind as more industries and facets...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through October 5)

AUTOMATION UPS Gets FAA Clearance to Roll Out a Fleet of Delivery Drones Allison Matyus | Digital Trends "The move essentially will allow UPS to create its...

3D Printing Everything: Ultra-Cheap, Zero-Waste Products Are Coming

3D printing is about to transform manufacturing as we know it, decimating waste, multiplying speed to market, and harnessing never-before-used materials. Additive manufacturing products and...

Deep Learning Networks Can’t Generalize—But They’re Learning From the Brain

“Bias” in AI is often treated as a dirty word. But to Dr. Andreas Tolias at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas,...

DNA Nanomachines Are Opening Medicine to the World of Physics

When I imagine the inner workings of a robot, I think hard, cold mechanics running on physics: shafts, wheels, gears. Human bodies, in contrast,...

How Facebook’s Libra Could Kick Off a Digital Currency War

Facebook’s plans to launch a digital currency, Libra, has sent shockwaves through the international finance world and may have sounded the starting gun on...
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