Yearly Archives: 2016

7 of Our Most Viral Hits on Tech and the Future in 2016

Everyone wants to know what’s coming. At Singularity University, faculty are constantly bombarded with questions about what’s next. At Singularity Hub, we’re trying to keep...

The Ethical Conundrums Technology Confronted Us With This Year

New advances in technology constantly push humanity into uncharted territory. Sometimes this territory brings us questions we might not have imagined needing answers so soon, like, "Is...

Emerging Markets Lead the Way to Cheapest-Ever Solar Energy

Energy experts have long predicted we'd eventually shift from fossil fuels to clean energy. They were right, but there have been a few surprises...

This Playful Lab-in-a-Box Will Teach You How to Reprogram Life

We’re in the midst of a life sciences revolution. The natural world, including our own bodies, is becoming malleable in a completely unprecedented way. Today,...

Post-Truth: Technology Is a Big Part of the Problem, But It’s Also a Solution

"Post-truth" was chosen as the 2016 word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries, a catch-all term describing a perception of growing distrust of “the facts” and...

Why the Latest AI Wave Will Gain Momentum in the Coming Year

It can read lips and create new food recipes. It can win at chess, Jeopardy and the game Go. Every major technology company appears...

Your Smartphone’s Next Big Trick? To Make You Healthier Than Ever

On a seemingly normal summer day nine years ago, planet Earth was struck by a gadget-sized blow that would reinvent nearly every facet of...

This Week’s Awesome Stories From Around the Web (Through December 24th)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE  Big Tech's AI Predictions for 2017 Lolita Taub | The Huffington Post "For the final Cognitive Business post of the year, I asked artificial intelligence centric...

Think Tech Is Blurring Fact and Fantasy? Just Wait

Are you questioning the validity of news sources and headlines lately? You’re not alone. As the end of 2016 is upon us, media's role in...

5 Reasons This Was an Awesome Year for Space Exploration

On 14 February, 1990, as the spacecraft Voyager 1 was leaving our planetary neighborhood, legendary astronomer and cosmologist, Carl Sagan, suggested that NASA engineers...

How to Train AI to Do Everything in the Digital Universe

To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely. –Maria Montessori There’s a kindergarten I walk past...

Exponential Growth Will Transform Humanity in the Next 30 Years

As we close out 2016, if you’ll allow me, I’d like to take a risk and venture into a topic I’m personally compelled to...

This Bitcoin-Eating Plant Robot Hires Artists to Make Its Babies

This is a thing that exists in the world: a bitcoin-eating plant robot (called a plantoid), made of self-executing computer code which owns itself...

What Happens When Tech Takes Control of Evolution?

Over the span of a few billion years, diversity of life has flourished on Earth through the process of natural selection. Then, not long...

Canada’s Building a Plant That Will Make Fuel Out of Poop

Each time you flush a toilet, it’s the beginning of a long journey. Your waste makes its way through a maze of pipes and...

This Week’s Awesome Stories From Around the Web (Through December 17th)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The Great A.I. Awakening Gideon Lewis-Kraus | The New York Times Magazine "Google’s decision to reorganize itself around A.I. was the first major manifestation of what...

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is Here: What Now? [Video]

What if the world we knew was subtly being replaced with a new one? Would we notice immediately, or would it only be evident...

How Digital Nomads Are Leading the Seismic Shift in Where We Work

Have laptop, will travel. That’s become the slogan of an increasing number of the global white-collar workforce. People are unleashing themselves from corporations and companies...

The Octobot Is Just the Beginning for Soft Robotics

Roboticists have long turned to nature for inspiration, but their creations have generally been conspicuously un-lifelike. Now, breakthroughs in the design and manipulation of...

If Robots and AI Steal Our Jobs, a Universal Basic Income Could Help

Some fear that robots and AI will steal our jobs. They probably will (in the near-term, at least half of them). If that happens, what will...

Break Out of Your Echo Chamber: Technology Arranges Lunch With Someone New

On average, Americans spend 50 minutes a day on Facebook. That’s a lot of online socializing. It’s also about the same amount of time...

Killer Robots Won’t Go to War If Global Movement Has Its Way

Much ink has been spilled in recent years about the rise of killer robots. A movement to ensure no blood is shed by autonomous...

This Week’s Awesome Stories From Around the Web (Through December 10th)

ROBOTICS: MIT's Modular Robotic Chain Is Whatever You Want It to Be Evan Ackerman | IEEEE Spectrum "If you can get all of the communication and coordination figured out,...

Algorithm Predicts What Happens Next in a Photo and Makes It Into a Video

Imagine if your favorite picture could automatically be converted into a short video and labeled. Sound like a fantasy? Maybe not for much longer. Using a...

Welcome to the New Singularity Hub

Around these parts we know the future comes at you fast. Welcome to the new Singularity Hub. Whether you’re looking at us on a desktop...

Can Virtual Reality Sidestep the Paradox of Time Travel?

Most physicists agree that time travel into the past is impossible, but what if virtual reality (VR) could provide a workaround? Doron Friedman is the...

This One Equation May Be the Root of Intelligence

How does intelligence work? According to Dr. Joe Tsien, a leading neuroscientist at Augusta University in Georgia, the key lies in one simple, unassuming equation:...

What If a Social Score Determined Your Success? China’s About to Find Out

In an episode of the Netflix dystopian drama Black Mirror, characters live in a future where they have a ‘social score’ that dictates the...

The Brain Tech to Merge Humans and AI Is Already Being Developed

Are you scared of artificial intelligence (AI)? Do you believe the warnings from folks like Prof. Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and others? Is AI the greatest...

Evolution’s Brutally Simple Rules Can Make Machines More Creative

Despite nature’s bewildering complexity, the driving force behind it is incredibly simple. ‘Survival of the fittest’ is an uncomplicated but brutally effective optimization strategy...

This Week’s Awesome Stories From Around the Web (Through December 3rd)

A biomedical engineer is building a brain implant to serve as a memory prosthesis. The UK's new Investigatory Powers Act may cause problems at Apple. And Google's AI...

New AI Mental Health Tools Beat Human Doctors at Assessing Patients

About 20 percent of youth in the United States live with a mental health condition, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. That’s the...

Is Radical Life Extension Good for Society?

It’s no longer a radical question. The aging literature is replete with treatments that could prolong lifespan by 20-40%, at least in lab animals. Interventions...

This Solar Fabric Could Let You Charge Your Phone With Your Shirt

Solar energy is becoming ever more widespread, with panels going up not only on houses and office buildings, but on cars, buses, and road...

Will VR Disrupt the Airline Industry? Sci-Fi Show Meets Press Virtually Instead of Flying

A proposed benefit of virtual reality is that it could one day eliminate the need to move our fleshy bodies around the world for...

New Brain-Like Chip Uses Light to Go Blazingly Fast

Deep learning is having a serious moment right now in the world of AI. And for good reason. Loosely based on the brain’s computing architecture,...

Fear of the Dark: Why Netflix’s ‘Black Mirror’ Is Great Science Fiction

Legendary science fiction author Isaac Asimov once said, “The core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are...

Bioprinting Is One Step Closer to Making a Human Kidney

Bioprinting has been all over the news in the past several years with headline-worthy breakthroughs like printed human skin, synthetic bones, and even a fully functional mouse...

This Week’s Awesome Stories From Around the Web (Through November 26)

A new computer-brain interface is allowing "locked-in" woman to communicate from her home, Silicon Valley tech giants are reorganizing to embed AI throughout their companies,...

Why the US Is Losing Ground on the Next Generation of Powerful Supercomputers

“I feel the need — the need for speed.” The tagline from the 1980s movie Top Gun could be seen as the mantra for the high-performance computing...

Quantum Computers Could Crush Today’s Top Encryption in 15 Years

Quantum computers could bring about a quantum leap in processing power, with countless benefits for fields like data science and AI. But there’s also...

Artificial Spinal Cord Wirelessly Restores Walking in Paralyzed Monkeys

Until a few years ago, reversing paralysis was the stuff of movie miracles. Yet according to Dr. Andrew Jackson, a neuroscientist at Newcastle University in...

Forget Building Walls, Technology Is Tearing Them Down

With all the talk of building walls, it seems to me that technology has actually been rapidly tearing down walls. Besides your passport, what really...

The 6 Ds of Tech Disruption: A Guide to the Digital Economy

“The Six Ds are a chain reaction of technological progression, a road map of rapid development that always leads to enormous upheaval and opportunity.”...

The Race to Wrap the Earth in Internet Is Heating Up

How important is the internet to your day-to-day life? For starters, you’re definitely reading this on a screen and using the internet to access it....

How We Can Save Our History One Smartphone at a Time

Our lives today are increasingly digital, so why isn’t our old memorabilia? As we use smartphones and the cloud more often, our pre-digital personal...

This Week’s Awesome Stories From Around the Web (Through November 19)

China makes history using CRISPR-modified cells in a human, while SpaceX makes a pitch to launch 4,425 satellites into orbit. AltspaceVR's new feature lets...

Lung Cancer Patient First to Undergo CRISPR Gene Editing

The CRISPR-Cas9 “drag-and-drop” gene editing technique has been used in its first human trial, reports Nature. Scientists at Sichuan University in Chengdu, China began...

These Wild New Floors Will Harvest Energy From Your Footsteps

The road to renewable energy requires one step at a time. Well, actually, it requires quite a few steps. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin and...

Is Choosing Your Own Reality All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

As rapid improvements in virtual reality technology make it possible to create and live in worlds perfectly tailored to our needs, are humans nearing...
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