Yearly Archives: 2021

New ‘Universal Switch’ Lets Scientists Fine-Tune Gene Therapy

The dose makes the poison. That’s the central tenet of pharmacology. Even salt can kill you if you take too little or too much. The...

Form Energy’s New Low-Cost, Iron-Air Battery Runs for 100 Hours

Finding a way to store large amounts of energy at low cost will be vital if we want to shift our grids to renewable...

DeepMind’s Vibrant New Virtual World Trains Flexible AI With Endless Play

Last year, DeepMind researchers wrote that future AI developers may spend less time programming algorithms and more time generating rich virtual worlds in which...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through July 31)

ROBOTICS This Robot Made a 100,000-Domino ‘Super Mario Bros.’ Mural in 24 Hours I. Bonifacic | Engadget "Created by YouTuber and former NASA engineer Mark Rober, the...

Ancient Brains: Inside the Extraordinary Preservation of a 310-Million-Year-Old Nervous System

Charles Darwin famously discussed the “imperfections” of the geological record in his book On the Origin of Species. He correctly pointed out that unless...

These Foldable Houses Cost $50k and Go Up in a Day

3D printing has become the hottest new construction technology of the past few years, with houses being laid down in California, Texas, New York,...

This Robot Taught Itself to Run, Then Proceeded to Knock Out a 5K

In the last few months, robots have learned some pretty cool new skills, including performing a sweet coordinated dance routine and making pizzas from...

Scientists Bred Healthy Mice Using Artificial Eggs and Ovaries Made From Stem Cells

The baby mice popcorning around their cages looked utterly normal. But in fact, they’re a technological wonder: they were born from bioengineered eggs matured...

Arm’s New Flexible Plastic Chip Could Enable an ‘Internet of Everything’

The ultimate goal of the Internet of Things (IoT) is to build computing capabilities into every object in the world, but that’s a pipe...

Can Consciousness Be Explained by Quantum Physics? New Research

One of the most important open questions in science is how our consciousness is established. In the 1990s, long before winning the 2020 Nobel...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through July 24)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The Ethics of a Deepfake Anthony Bourdain Voice Helen Rosner | The New Yorker "The new documentary 'Roadrunner' uses AI-generated audio without disclosing it to...

‘Next-Generation’ Total Artificial Heart Successfully Transplanted into First US Patient

Late last year, a French company called Carmat received approval in Europe for its total artificial heart. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a...

The First Mobile Phone Call Was 75 Years Ago—How Technologies Go From Breakthrough to Big Time

I have a cellphone built into my watch. People now take this type of technology for granted, but not so long ago it was...

This Tiny Electric Car Is Solar-Powered and Costs $6,800

In December of last year, a California-based startup called Aptera Motors started taking pre-orders for an electric car that’s partly solar powered. The Aptera...

Protein Folding AI Is Making a ‘Once in a Generation’ Advance in Biology

Thanks to AI, we just got stunningly powerful tools to decode life. In two back-to-back papers last week, scientists at DeepMind and the University of...

Google Gets One Step Closer to Error-Corrected Quantum Computing

One of the biggest barriers standing in the way of useful quantum computers is how error-prone today's devices are. Now, Google has provided an...

Japan Sets New Record for Internet Speed at 319 Terabits per Second

Ever wonder why the internet, as a whole, didn’t break when Covid-19 hit? In a matter of weeks, online habits changed dramatically. Kids went to...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through July 17)

COMPUTING Tapping Into the Brain to Help a Paralyzed Man Speak Pam Belluck | The New York Times "He has not been able to speak since 2003,...

Big Bang: How We Are Trying to ‘Listen’ to It—and the New Physics It Could Unveil

Exactly what happened at the beginning of the universe, 14 billion years ago, is one of the greatest mysteries in physics; there’s no simple...

Amazon Patented a New Delivery System That Could Have Your Block Crawling With Robots

Amazon’s taking over the world. Or, at least, the US. Even as Jeff Bezos steps down as CEO and hands the reins over to...

Watch Robots Make Pizzas From Start to Finish at an Automated Pizzeria

Four years ago in Mountain View, California, a team of robots was cranking out pizzas on a production line that was almost fully automated....

Treating the Brain Through the Stomach: Tweaking the Gut Microbiome Slowed ALS in Mice

Ask any neuroscientist 20 years ago if gut bug excrement could slow down an untreatable brain disease, and they’d brush off the idea without...

Delaying Aging Would Bring Trillions of Dollars in Economic Gains, Study Finds

People are living longer than ever, but there’s growing recognition that longer life expectancy is of little use unless we also delay the physical...

A Neuron’s Sense of Timing Encodes Information in the Human Brain

We like to think of brains as computers: A physical system that processes inputs and spits out outputs. But, obviously, what’s between your ears...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through July 10)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Need to Fit Billions of Transistors on Your Chip? Let AI Do It Will Knight | Wired "Google, Nvidia, and others are training algorithms in...

Iceland’s 4-Day Work Week Trial Was a Smashing Success. Will It Start a New Trend?

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the idea of working from home was unthinkable to a lot of people. Between time-wasting (and calorie-increasing) temptations like...

New Type of Stellar Explosion Could Explain the Mystery of the Milky Way’s Elements

Until recently it was thought neutron star mergers were the only way heavy elements (heavier than zinc) could be produced. These mergers involve the...

You Can Now Rent a 3D Printed House on Airbnb

3D printing has been increasingly gaining traction over the past couple years as a low-cost way to build comfortable, durable homes. The technology quickly...

How Virtual Reality Unveiled a Unique Brain Wave That Could Boost Learning

As the rats ran down a short balance beam, stopping occasionally to poke their noses at a water fountain, their brains knew something was...

A Nanowire Network That Mimics the Brain Could Inspire New Designs in AI

The neural networks that power today’s leading AI systems can vastly outperform the human brain when it comes to picking out patterns in large...

‘Laws of Nature Turned up to 11’: Astronomers Spot Two Neutron Stars Being Swallowed by Black Holes

One of the best things about being an astronomer is being able to discover something new about the universe. In fact, maybe the only...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through July 3)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GitHub and OpenAI Launch a New AI Tool That Generates Its Own Code Dave Gershgorn | The Verge "Copilot is built on a new algorithm...

New Cultured Meat Factory Will Churn Out 5,000 Bioreactor Burgers a Day

In August 2013, food critics in London sampled the world’s first lab-grown hamburger. Opinions on taste and texture varied, but most agreed it wasn’t...

Breakthrough CRISPR Gene Therapy Could Be a ‘One and Done’ Injection

CRISPR gene editing has had a big decade. The technology, which earned two of its discovers a Nobel Prize in 2020, can target and...

Is Reality a Game of Quantum Mirrors? A New Theory Suggests It Might Be

Imagine you sit down and pick up your favorite book. You look at the image on the front cover, run your fingers across the...

A New Brain Implant Automatically Detects and Kills Pain in Real Time

Chronic pain is like a horror movie monster that sneaks up on you. It’s unpredictable, lingers silently, and when it strikes it’s often too...

Harvard Scientists Pinpoint ‘Ground Zero’ of Aging in Mouse Embryo Study

How do old cells in adult humans give rise to the youthful cells found in infants? New research suggests they reset to their lowest...

Fermi Paradox: Here’s What an Alien Civilization Settling the Galaxy Looks Like

There are tens of billions of galaxies in the universe, each with tens of billions of stars. Many stars have planets, and a healthy...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through June 26)

CRYPTOCURRENCY Andreessen Horowitz Goes Ham on Crypto With a New $2.2B Fund Arielle Pardes | Wired "The $2.2 billion Crypto Fund III will be among the largest...

A New Mystery Human Species Has Been Discovered in Israel

An international group of archaeologists has discovered a missing piece in the story of human evolution. Excavations at the Israeli site of Nesher Ramla have...

CERN: How We’re Probing the Universe’s Origins Using Record Precision Measurements

What happened at the beginning of the universe, in the very first moments? The truth is, we don’t really know because it takes huge...

An ‘Uncrashable’ Car? Luminar Says Its Lidar Can Get There

As a recent New York Times article highlighted, self-driving cars are taking longer to come to market than many experts initially predicted. Automated vehicles...

The Four Stages of Intelligent Matter That Will Bring Us Iron Man’s ‘Endgame’ Nanosuit

Imagine clothing that can warm or cool you, depending on how you’re feeling. Or artificial skin that responds to touch, temperature, and wicks away...

Why Flying Cars Could Be Here Within the Decade

Flying cars are almost a byword for the misplaced optimism of technologists, but recent news suggests their future may be on slightly firmer footing....

Each of These Microscopic Glass Beads Stores an Image Encoded on a Strand of DNA

Increasingly, civilization’s information is stored digitally, and that storage is abundant and growing. We don't bother deleting those seven high-definition videos of the ceiling...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through June 19)

FUTURE OF WORK Kill the 5-Day Work Week Joe Pinsker | The Atlantic "People who work a four-day week generally report that they’re healthier, happier, and less...

Is It Time to Give Up on Consciousness as ‘the Ghost in the Machine’?

As individuals, we feel that we know what consciousness is because we experience it daily. It’s that intimate sense of personal awareness we carry...

These Mice Were Born From Sperm That Spent Almost 6 Years in Space

As inconceivable as it still sounds, the wheels have been set in motion for humans to one day reach and colonize Mars. There’s already...

A Google AI Designed a Computer Chip as Well as a Human Engineer—But Much Faster

AI has finally come full circle. A new suite of algorithms by Google Brain can now design computer chips—those specifically tailored for running AI software—that...

Scientists in Spain Just Got a Step Closer to Building a Practical Quantum Repeater

A quantum internet could play a key role in tying together many of the most promising applications for quantum technologies. The main impetus for...
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