Yearly Archives: 2021

Evolution: Lab-Grown ‘Mini Brains’ Suggest One Mutation Might Have Rewired the Human Mind

How we humans became what we are today is a question that scientists have been trying to answer for a long time. How did...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through March 6)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Facebook's New AI Teaches Itself to See With Less Human Help Will Knight | Wired "Peer inside an AI algorithm and you’ll find something constructed...

NFTs Explained: What They Are and Why They’re Selling for Millions of Dollars

A couple of days ago, the musician Grimes sold some animations she made with her brother Mac on a website called Nifty Gateway. Some...

Applications Are Open For a Free Trip Around the Moon on a SpaceX Rocket

Elon Musk wants to send people to space—lots of them. Besides the 100,000 he envisions sending to Mars each time it’s closely aligned with...

The Game Has Changed: Why We Need New Rules for Space Exploration

The first human expedition to Mars could take place within five to ten years. The crew will be made up mainly of volunteers, with...

This AI Thrashes the Hardest Atari Games by Memorizing Its Best Moves

Learning from rewards seems like the simplest thing. I make coffee, I sip coffee, I’m happy. My brain registers “brewing coffee” as an action...

Graphene ‘Nano-Origami’ Could Take Us Past the End of Moore’s Law

Wonder material graphene is often touted as a potential way around the death of Moore's Law, but harnessing its promising properties has proven tricky....

This Wild Video Maps the Entire Internet and Its Evolution Since 1997

In the early days of digital computing, the machines were monolithic and isolated. They didn’t communicate. In fact, they couldn’t communicate. There was no...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through February 27)

GENETICS An Extinct Cave Bear's DNA Was Still Readable After 360,000 Years George Dvorsky | Gizmodo "The bone analyzed in the new study—a petrous bone from the...

The World’s First 3D Printed School Will Be Built in Madagascar

3D printed houses have been popping up all over the map. Some are hive-shaped, some can float, some are up for sale. Now this...

Will Robots Make Good Friends? Scientists Are Already Starting to Find Out

In the 2012 film Robot and Frank, the protagonist, a retired cat burglar named Frank, is suffering the early symptoms of dementia. Concerned and...

Flying Taxis Will Hit LA Skies by 2024, According to a California Startup’s Plan

Air taxis still seem like a far-off concept, especially in a time when a lot of people have stopped flying or using shared transportation...

Facial Recognition Drones Will Use AI to Take the Perfect Picture of You

Facial recognition technology has been banned by multiple US cities, including Portland, Boston, and San Francisco. Besides the very real risk of the tech...

Scientists Communicated With People While They Were Lucid Dreaming

We’ve probed the depths of Earth’s deepest trench, sent rovers to Mars, and observed other worlds billions of light years away. Yet we’ve never...

We Sequenced the Oldest Ever DNA From Million-Year-Old Mammoths

Most people think of mammoths as the iconic woolly species from the last ice age, which ended around 12,000 years ago. But mammoths originated...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through February 20)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE A New Artificial Intelligence Makes Mistakes—on Purpose Will Knight | Wired "It took about 50 years for computers to eviscerate humans in the venerable game of chess....

The First Endangered American Animal Has Been Cloned

Last summer a horse named Kurt was born in Texas. Kurt wasn’t just any horse—he was a clone made from DNA that had been...

‘7 Minutes of Terror’: The Technology Perseverance Will Need to Survive Landing on Mars

This month has been a busy one for Mars exploration. Several countries sent missions to the red planet in June last year, taking advantage...

An Israeli Startup Is 3D Printing Cultured Ribeye Steaks

The market for meat alternatives is booming, but so far most products are only able to replicate the formless ground meat found in burgers,...

Massive National Health Study Looks to Tailor Your Diet to Your Genetic Makeup

Like taxes and death, nutrition is something we can’t escape. Eating should be easy. Yet it’s also massively confusing, prone to misinformation, and utterly...

IBM’s New Software Will Make Quantum Programs Run 100 Times Faster

The companies building quantum computers have made incredible progress in recent years, and the hardware is only half the problem. Now industry leader IBM...

See a Billion-Year Dance of Earth’s Tectonic Plates in 40 Seconds

Modern life can feel dizzying, like everything is motion and change. But there are some constants we set our lives against: the relative position...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through February 13)

VIRTUAL REALITY Epic Games' MetaHuman Creator Lets Developers Create Realistic Digital Humans Within Minutes Dean Takahashi | VentureBeat "Epic Games has unveiled its MetaHuman Creator, a new browser-based...

All the Coronavirus in the World Could Fit Inside a Coke Can, With Plenty of Room to Spare

When I was asked to calculate the total volume of SARS-CoV-2 in the world for the BBC Radio 4 show "More or Less," I...

A 3D Printed House Just Went up on Zillow—for Half the Price of Its Neighbors

The 3D printed houses just keep coming. Last week we covered a home being built in northern Italy, unique because it’s made entirely of...

Bitcoin’s Blowing Up, and That’s Good News for Human Rights. Here’s Why

Bitcoin’s value reached an all-time high this week after Tesla announced it had bought $1.5 billion worth of the cryptocurrency. After its launch in...

This ‘Quantum Brain’ Would Mimic Our Own to Speed Up AI

Unless you’re in the lithium battery or paint business, you’re probably not familiar with cobalt. Yet according to a new paper, it may be...

Connecting Distant Qubits Just Brought Distributed Quantum Computing Closer

Quantum computers could change the world, but first we need to work out how to build ones that are big enough to live up...

Artificial Island in the North Sea Will Harvest Wind Energy at a Huge Scale

Wind is to the North Sea as sun is to the Sahara. And just as the latter is a tantalizing location to generate solar...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through February 6)

SPACE SpaceX Announces First 'All-Civilian' Mission to Space Joey Roulette | The Verge "Elon Musk’s SpaceX is planning to send its first 'all-civilian' crew to space at...

These Distant ‘Baby’ Black Holes Seem to Be Misbehaving—and Experts Are Perplexed

Radio images of the sky have revealed hundreds of “baby” and supermassive black holes in distant galaxies, with the galaxies’ light bouncing around in...

We’re Teaching Robots to Evolve Autonomously—So They Can Adapt to Life Alone on Distant Planets 

It’s been suggested that an advance party of robots will be needed if humans are ever to settle on other planets. Sent ahead to...

This Hive-Like House Is 3D Printed, Carbon-Neutral, and Made of Clay

3D printing homes was a really big deal a few years ago; the idea was novel, unprecedented, and crushed records for the cost and...

This Is Where Empathy Lives in the Brain, and How It Works

Mind reading comes easily to most of us. For all our divisions, humans are uncannily efficient at simulating another person’s thoughts and beliefs. It’s how...

Elon Musk’s $100 Million Carbon Capture Push

Even if the world rapidly ramps up climate action, most experts agree that cutting emissions is no longer enough to avert disaster. We also...

New ‘Liquid’ AI Learns Continuously From Its Experience of the World

For all its comparisons to the human brain, AI still isn’t much like us. Maybe that's alright. In the animal kingdom, brains come in...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through January 30)

3D PRINTING A Real 3D-Printed Home Listing Just Popped Up on Zillow for a Cool $300,000 Sam Rutherford | Gizmodo "Unlike many smaller 3D-printed abodes, the Riverhead...

Thousands More Satellites Will Soon Orbit Earth—We Need Better Rules to Prevent Space Crashes

In recent years, satellites have become smaller, cheaper, and easier to make with commercial off-the-shelf parts. Some even weigh as little as one gram....

Scientists Want to Fight Climate Change by Blocking the Sun With Dust

In the past few years, scientists have hatched some pretty crazy-sounding schemes in the name of protecting Earth and its inhabitants. From building an...

How an Israeli Startup Is Using AI to Help People Make Babies

The first baby conceived using in-vitro fertilization (IVF) was born in the UK in 1978. Over 40 years later, the technique has become commonplace,...

Scientists Made a Biohybrid Nose Using Cells From Mosquitoes

Thanks to biological parts of a mosquito’s “nose,” we’re finally closer to Smell-O-Vision for computers. And a way to diagnose early cancer. With the recent...

New Fast-Charging, Low-Cost Batteries Could Be a Game-Changer for Electric Cars

Despite their growing popularity, electric vehicle sales still lag behind gasoline cars, and one reason is the anxiety that comes from short ranges and...

No Trees Harmed: MIT Aims to One Day Grow Your Kitchen Table in a Lab

You’ve likely heard the buzz around lab-grown (or cultured) meat. We can now take a few cells from a live animal and grow those...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through January 23)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE This Chinese Lab Is Aiming for Big AI Breakthroughs Will Knight | Wired "China produces as many artificial intelligence researchers as the US, but it...

Watch London’s Cool, Quirky Augmented Reality Art Exhibit at Home

It hasn’t been a great few months for museums, what with the pandemic shutting many of them down and forcing the rest to greatly...

Earth Has Stayed Habitable for Billions of Years. Exactly How Lucky Did We Get?

It took evolution three or four billion years to produce Homo sapiens. If the climate had completely failed just once in that time, then...

This Artificial Heart Will Soon Be on the Market in Europe

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world, particularly in the US and Western Europe. Medical science has come...

A Language AI Is Accurately Predicting Covid-19 ‘Escape’ Mutations

For all their simplicity, viruses are sneaky little life forces. Take SARS-Cov-2, the virus behind Covid-19. Challenged with the human immune system, the virus has...

How Mirroring the Architecture of the Human Brain Is Speeding Up AI Learning

While AI can carry out some impressive feats when trained on millions of data points, the human brain can often learn from a tiny...

China Wants to Be the World’s AI Superpower. Does It Have What It Takes?

China’s star has been steadily rising for decades. Besides slashing extreme poverty rates from 88 percent to under 2 percent in just 30 years,...
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