Yearly Archives: 2021

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through April 24)

COMPUTING Now for AI's Latest Trick: Writing Computer Code Will Knight | Wired "It can take years to learn how to write computer code well. SourceAI, a Paris startup,...

A Helicopter Flew on Mars for the First Time. A Space Physicist Explains Why That’s Such a Big Deal

On Monday of this week, the Ingenuity helicopter—which landed on Mars with the Perseverance rover in February—took off from the Martian surface. More importantly,...

Scientist George Church Is Auctioning Off His Genome as an NFT

You’ve probably heard the acronym NFT over the last couple months. Non-fungible tokens have been all over the news, seeming to become a sensation—one...

Google Earth’s Amazing New Feature Is a 37-Year 3D Timelapse of the Entire Planet

Satellites are doing all kinds of amazing new things lately, from beaming high-speed internet to remote areas to capturing high-resolution images through clouds to...

Scientists Grew Human Cells in Monkey Embryos, and Yes, It’s an Ethical Minefield

Few things in science freak people out more than human-animal hybrids. Named chimeras, after the mythical Greek creature that’s an amalgam of different beasts,...

Honeywell Just Released Details About How Its Quantum Computer Works

Engineering giant Honeywell burst into the quantum computing race out of left field last year. Now the company has provided the first concrete details...

New Warp Drive Research Dashes Faster-Than-Light Travel Dreams—but Reveals Stranger Possibilities

In 1994, physicist Miguel Alcubierre proposed a radical technology that would allow faster-than-light travel: the warp drive, a hypothetical way to skirt around the...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through April 17)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 15 Graphs You Need to See to Understand AI in 2021 Charles Q. Choi | IEEE Spectrum "If you haven’t had time to read the AI...

A Huge New Kroger Warehouse Is Staffed by 1,000 Grocery-Picking Robots

With the pandemic at long last starting to wind down, many of us are beyond eager to get back to “the way things used...

First GMO Mosquitoes to Be Released in the Florida Keys

This spring, the biotechnology company Oxitec plans to release genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes in the Florida Keys. Oxitec says its technology will combat dengue...

Epic Games Raised $1 Billion to Fund Its Vision for Building the Metaverse

If you saw the 2018 movie Ready Player One, you may remember the Oasis: a glitzy, fast-paced metaverse with gleaming cities, beautiful people (or,...

A Massive New Gene Editing Project Is Out to Crush Alzheimer’s

When it comes to Alzheimer’s versus science, science is on the losing side. Alzheimer’s is cruel in the most insidious way. The disorder creeps up...

Scientists Completed the First Human Trial of a Wireless High-Bandwidth Brain-Computer Interface

Brain-computer interface technology is advancing rapidly, but it currently relies on wires that seriously limit its use in everyday applications. That could soon change,...

This Robot Taught Itself to Walk in a Simulation—Then Went for a Stroll in Berkeley

Recently, in a Berkeley lab, a robot called Cassie taught itself to walk, a little like a toddler might. Through trial and error, it...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through April 10)

INTERNET SpaceX a Handful of Starlink Launches Away From Blanketing Earth in Broadband Eric Mack | CNET "In the next few months, SpaceX could have more than...

Scientists Found Hints of New Particles or Forces of Nature, and It Could Change Physics

Seven years ago, a huge magnet was transported over 3,200 miles (5,150km) across land and sea, in the hope of studying a subatomic particle...

‘Deep Nostalgia’ Uses AI to Make Old Photos of Your Relatives Wink, Nod, Dance, and More

Genealogy services have grown in popularity in recent years. and 23andMe let users analyze their DNA to show their ethnic makeup, connect with...

There’s a New Nirvana Song Out, and It Was Written by Google’s AI

One of the primary capabilities separating human intelligence from artificial intelligence is our ability to be creative—to use nothing but the world around us,...

How Scientists Grew Human Muscles in Pig Embryos, and Why It Matters for Organ Transplants

The little pigs bouncing around the lab looked exceedingly normal. Yet their adorable exterior hid a remarkable secret: each piglet carried two different sets...

This Huge Hologram-Like 3D Display Is Made of Thousands of Tiny LED Lights

Though we don’t quite have the technology to make three-dimensional holograms a reality yet, companies like PORTL and Microsoft are working on it. But...

OpenAI’s GPT-3 Algorithm Is Now Producing Billions of Words a Day

When OpenAI released its huge natural-language algorithm GPT-3 last summer, jaws dropped. Coders and developers with special access to an early API rapidly discovered...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through April 3)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Here's How We'll Know an AI Is Conscious Joel Frohlich | Nautilus "Just as ethical tragedies arise when we pull the plug on patients who...

Xenobots 2.0: These Living Robots Self-Assemble From Frog Skin Cells

The line between animals and machines was already getting blurry after a team of scientists and roboticists unveiled the first living robots last year....

The US Just Set Ambitious Offshore Wind Power Targets. What Will It Take to Meet Them?

The United States’ offshore wind industry is tiny, with just seven wind turbines operating off Rhode Island and Virginia. The few attempts to build...

Watch Hypnotic Drone Footage of Boiling Lava Taken Inside Iceland Volcano’s Crater

The proliferation of drones bearing cameras has brought many a new sight. Like, a bird's-eye-view of sharks casually swimming at the local beach—which is,...

Boston Dynamics’ New Warehouse Robot, Stretch, Moves 800 Boxes an Hour

This week, Boston Dynamics (whose dancing robots video I still can’t watch without cracking up) unveiled the newest addition to its robot menagerie. Stretch...

How Scientists Used Ultrasound to Read Monkeys’ Minds

Thanks to neural implants, mind reading is no longer science fiction. As I’m writing this sentence, a tiny chip with arrays of electrodes could sit...

Fiber Optics Could Be the Key to Million-Qubit Quantum Computers

Bridging the gap between the cryogenically-cooled inner workings of quantum computers and the conventional electronics that control them is an outstanding challenge. Current approaches...

Watch a Robot 3D Printing the Rocket for Relativity Space’s First Orbital Launch

Relativity Space has the audacious goal of 3D printing 95 percent of a rocket and sending it to orbit. Getting to space is hard....

Hear Black Holes and Galaxies Sing in These Captivating NASA ‘Sonifications’

The universe is brimming with light that's invisible to us humans. The electromagnetic spectrum extends far beyond visible light in both directions. Longer wavelengths include...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through March 27)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AI Could Enable 'Swarm Warfare' for Tomorrow's Fighter Jets Will Knight | Wired "Last March, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) invited teams to...

These Satellites Capture Ultra High-Res Images Even When It’s Dark or Cloudy

In late January of this year, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket set a new record. It carried 143 spacecraft, the most ever launched at...

This Shape-Shifting Robot Can Rearrange Its Body to Walk in New Environments

Imagine running on a cement footpath, and then suddenly through dry sand. Just to keep upright, you would have to slow down and change...

In ‘Klara and the Sun,’ We Glimpse an Eerie Future Through the Eyes of a Robot

In a store in the center of an unnamed city, humanoid robots are displayed alongside housewares and magazines. They watch the fast-moving world outside...

Scientists Created an Artificial Early Embryo From Human Skin Cells

We all know how human reproduction works: sperm meets egg, fertilized egg kicks off its journey, transforms into a human embryo, then becomes a...

Scientists Figured Out How to Turn Food Waste Into Jet Fuel

Aviation is a major contributor to climate change, and also one of the hardest sectors to wean off fossil fuels. New research suggests we...

Extraterrestrial Life Could Be Hiding in Our Galaxy’s Interior Ocean Worlds

In the search for extraterrestrial life, liquid water is crucial. Life as we know it can’t exist without water. This fact has led scientists...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through March 20)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The Secret Auction That Set Off the Race for AI Supremacy Cade Metz | Wired "How the shape of deep learning—and the fate of the...

A Community of Swanky 3D Printed Homes Is Going Up in California

Last summer an Oakland, California-based startup called Mighty Buildings came out of stealth mode after raising $30 million in venture capital funding. One of...

This AI Uses Your Brain Activity to Create Fake Faces It Knows You’ll Find Attractive

Looks aren’t everything. But they must be something, otherwise dating apps like Tinder and Bumble wouldn’t be having nearly as much success as they...

Origin of Life: Lightning Strikes May Have Provided Missing Ingredient for Earth’s First Organisms

The origin of life on Earth is one of the most complex puzzles facing scientists. It involves not only identifying the numerous chemical reactions...

Quantum Computing and Reinforcement Learning Are Joining Forces to Make Faster AI

Deep reinforcement learning is having a superstar moment. Powering smarter robots. Simulating human neural networks. Trouncing physicians at medical diagnoses and crushing humanity’s best gamers...

Nanophotonics Could Be the ‘Dark Horse’ of the Quantum Computing Race, New Paper Says

The race to build the first practical quantum computers looks like a two-horse contest between machines built from superconducting qubits and those that use...

The Ghost of Ancient Earth’s Magma Oceans Found in Greenland Rocks

Our planet’s history is written in its rocks. You can traverse eons by brushing your fingers over the layers of a cliff wall. But...

This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through March 13)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE This Chip for AI Works Using Light, Not Electrons Will Knight | Wired "As demand for artificial intelligence grows, so does hunger for the computer power needed...

Four 3D Printed Houses Are Going on the Market in Austin

In late January of this year, one of the first 3D printed homes in the US went up for sale on Long Island. Now...

3 Medical Innovations Fueled by Covid-19 That Will Outlast the Pandemic

A number of technologies and tools got a chance to prove themselves for the first time in the context of Covid-19. Three researchers working...

Microsoft’s Mesh Will Let Us Beam Ourselves to Work as Holograms

A little over a year ago, millions of people wouldn’t have been able to fathom doing their jobs without going into their offices (for...

This Soft Robot Stingray Just Explored the Deepest Point in the Ocean

While all eyes were on the dramatic descent of NASA’s Perseverance rover last month, a team sent a robot into another alien world, one...

As Moore’s Law Slows, Chip Specialization Could Undermine Computing Progress

For decades, the computer chips that run everything from PCs to spaceships have looked remarkably similar. But as Moore’s Law slows, industry leaders are...
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